Thursday, September 30, 2010

Class: September 30, 2010

Today's class finishes a few tasks left over from last session and involves a discussion of Larsen:

  1. Look at Google Reader
  2. Look at Del.i.cious
  3. Discuss Larsen
  4. Post comments on outside blogs
Read Can We Save the Internet? for next class?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Directions for Blogging Reports

By Sunday of each week, students will email a blogging report to provide me with links of their blogging activity. For blogging reports, please follow this format:

Subject line: [Name] Blogging Report: [Date]

Comments on Class Blogs

[Blog Name] [Your User Name]

Comments on Outside Blogs

[Blog Name] [Your User Name]

Make sure to send your report by Sunday so that you can get credit for your blogging activity each week.

Class: September 28, 2010

Today's class is all about getting readers for your blog and commenting on other blogs. For class, we will complete the following activities:

  1. Discuss Tagging/Labeling
  2. Discuss Readings
  3. Introduce Blogging Reports
  4. Register for Statcounter Accounts
  5. Register your blog on Technorati
  6. Create accounts on del.i.cious
  7. Check out Google Reader
  8. Discuss Comments
  9. Comment on other blogs
What fun!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Class: September 21, 2010

Welcome to the official English 420 blog. It will provide us with updates, reading links, and instructions for class activities.

For today's class, please complete the following activities:
1) Set up your blog account!!
2) Choose the design/template of your blog.
3) Write the "About" section of your blog.
4) Add your blogroll to the blog.
5) Add any other widgets/gadgets you want.
6) Start on your first post (can be written at home).

For Thursday, let's discuss if we want to workshop posts in class or if you'd rather post before Thursday's class.